Issue 10: Spring, Again!


Bob Juburi: saudade da festa / party nostalgia (artwork: Derek Savard)

Saudade: a mysterious and unique Portuguese folk culture word for a deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent. In this case, parties.”

—Bob Juburi


Austin Fisher: Introspection

“This playlist offers a window into the gentler, more intimate side of these normally larger than life composers. Instrumentally, the focus lies on the introspective power of the piano, strings, and voice. Chamber and solo music guide us through a dark, calm, painful, beautiful, and often isolating Winter. Yet, hope springs eternal as the sun peaks through the clouds and invites us all outside.”

—Austin Fisher

Artist Interview


“[W]hen a funk, jazz, rock, Tame Impala-meets-Jungle fusion band like Tumaca appears in Spain, audiophile ears are perked nationwide. ”

By Bob Juburi

Music Review

“Little Oblivions” by Julien Baker

“Enter Julien Baker, who has chewed herself up and spat herself back out into a third album that writhes with catharsis in the chaos of her mind’s muddiest waters.”

By Connor Dillman